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Lumos Energy Body Membership


"Between all the experiences I've ever had, coaches, energy work, breathe work etc... these experiences have been far, far better and [in a short time] I have come through or overcome far more than I have in the years that I got cracked, massaged and therapy "  - Kris


On demand classes you can access your time, your way.


With 20 on demand heart- lead entrainment sessions that combine movement, breathwork and meditation

  • New LIVE classes weekly

  • Receive instant access to ALL Leandra's on demand courses 

  • Monthly challenges

  • Learn SRI breathwork and somatics through our library of tutorials

  • Downloadable resources like tapping practices, recipes and journal prompts

5 day free trial and just 20 Euros a month / 5 Euros a week / 71c day

Easy cancellation any time, no lock in contracts or fees.

Try a practice for free.



This work is for you if:

  • You crave community and connection beyond your town or city or social group

  • You have seen many practitioners yet you yearn for a deeper connection to yourself 

  • You are ready to be the own authority on your health 

  • You desire something deeper for your life 

  • You are sick of constantly looking outside yourself (tarot, crystals, hands on work) to find answers. 

This work is not for you if:

  • You want a work out

  • You want a guru or a quick fix

  • You need someone telling you what to do  

  • You want retail spirituality (the next card deck, the next course, the next crystal will fix me) 

  • You want a diagnosis 

  • You believe that something is wrong with you

It is time to wake up and see that you have everything your need.

You ARE the freaking oracle. 

Try it FREE For 5 Days

Tired with the old models of "healing", Lumos Energy Body by Leandra was created to set you free. 

Discover, Transform, Awaken and Integrate your human experience and divine nature.

Reunite your physical and the spiritual parts. 

Connect with the wisdom of your body. 

Release the knots in your energy body to free your physical body from pain and tension. 

Become so connected and aligned with your own intuition, that nothing and no one will be able to shake it.

Teach your nervous system that faith is stronger than fear.

Learn more about yourself as a being of energy and infinite potential manifested in human form. 

Light up your energy body. 

Try it FREE for 5 days

Get access to everything

With the FULL Lumos Energy Body Membership for only 20 Euros ($35 AUD) a month. 
Try it FREE for 5 days


"I have felt so much more fulfilled and new opportunities have arisen... I feel truly connected with my inner child...(she) is smiling. I am being the person she needed all those years ago."


"Omg. That was the BEST meditation I’ve ever done. Damn I feel good!! And so much clarity on something I’ve been grappling with for the past…decade."


"One of THE most pivotal & profound sessions I’ve ever experienced it’s a total game & life-changer!!"

Get to know us more. 

Not sure if this approach is right for you? Get to know us and gain valuable insights, practices and access to free trainings by joining our email list. 

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