We have the opportunity to live in perfect health, connected to our physical and subtle bodies needs without ever needing the outside validation of another practitioner again.

Dr Leandra Brady-Walker

B Health Sc., B App. Sci (Comp Med) (Chiro), M Clin Chiro, Intuitive Intelligence Trainer, Method Practitioner and Teacher, GAPS Practitioner, Empath Practitioner

Leandra is at the forefront of where intuition,  chiropractic and the energetic world meet, continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in healing.

After almost 20 years in the health and wellness industry, publishing 2 books (one a cookbook), she knows when to call bullshit on "health trends" and serves her clients with sensible heart lead advice.

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Client Experience Dr Ricci-Jane

I experienced an online Medical Intuition session with Dr Leandra Brady-Walker this week. I am in Melbourne and Leandra is in Portugal, and yet it felt as though we were in the same room, and the impact of the session was profound. Leandra invited me to set up for the session on my yoga mat, so I knew I was in for something embodied and immersive, and I am so glad my sense was correct.

I went into the session depleted and fatigued, with nausea and digestional issues and a low mood. Leandra invited me to share what was true for me as we began, and then we moved into breathwork as she guided me into different physical postures. As she did this, Leandra shared with me the intuitive wisdom she was receiving from my body and subtle body. She invited me to share and respond from my own experience alongside hers. I appreciated this co-creative approach, which ultimately led us to release a trauma from when I was 11 years old that I was carrying in my heart. At the time of the session, I had no conscious connection to this time or any idea it was weighing on me.

Through the energy I received from Leandra, combined with the intuitive movement of body and breath, we released this trauma with ease and safety. Since the session, all of my physical symptoms are gone. Leandra followed up with wonderful recipes to support my physical health, and other actions to continue my healing journey. I am awed by Leandra's capacity to do this work at the quantum level, making the physical distance between us irrelevant.

The Condition Cure: Create the Conditions and your Healing is Inevitable

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